Converting a public Google Calendar to ics link

I ran into the problem where I am invited to a Google calendar. I want to add it to my Mac Calendar app which only allows me to add ics links.

My calendar only provided embed links, however we can use this to generate ics links.

This method was found on a Google support forum.

Basically the embed url is something like the following:

Take the argument for the src which is

This is actually also available in the Calendar ID information right above the embed url. But you need to substitute special characters into url encodings (e.g. the @ is substituted into %40, etc.) In the embed url, this has already been done for us.

Once you have the calendarID that is url-encoded replace the ********** field in the url below with the calendarID**********/public/basic.ics

So with the example above, the final address would be:

Hope this helps 🙂 and thank you Neil@GCalToolkit for helping me out 🙂